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Diary of a hunger striker: Waiting on the DREAM Act

Amplify’d from www.nuvo.net

Social Justice

Diary of a hunger striker: Waiting on the DREAM Act (Day 11)

Today at 5 p.m. we started day 11th of our hunger strike.
I thought today was going to be the last day since we had calculated that the Senate was going to vote. But we were wrong. It was for the better though, since the vote was postponed.

This means that we are buying some time to get the rest of the Senators that we need so that the Dream Act passes. This also means that for about 5 more days we are going to have to endure dizziness, confusion, lack of concentration and, more than anything, the invisible force of hunger combined with our imagination — which, together, start to create all sorts of scary scenarios on when our organs will start to shut down.

Read more at www.nuvo.net