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Tag Archives: anti-american

Bachmann Stands By Charge That Obama Is ‘Anti-American’ And Her Lie About Obama’s India Trip Costs

Amplify’d from thinkprogress.org

Bachmann Stands By Charge That Obama Is ‘Anti-American’ And Her Lie About Obama’s India Trip Costs

Last Friday on the BBC, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) spoke with host Emily Maitlis about a range of topics. Unlike the puff interviews Bachmann enjoys from most of the media, like on Fox News, the BBC actually challenged Bachmann on some of her radical views and distortions. First, Maitlis questioned Bachmann about her 2008 charge that Obama is “very anti-American.” Rather than apologize or walk back the statement, Bachmann dug in, repeatedly answering the question with a litany of right-wing anti-Obama talking points:

Read more at thinkprogress.org